It's not all gloom and doom
7/5/2017 2:35:31 PM
Not all that much has changed in the quality of the lake water over the last decade other than a gradual reduction change in its trophic condition (which is still the best of all the lakes in the state). But more to the point, the vast majority of contaminants that enter the lake come from non-point source discharges into the Tallapoosa River and the many tributaries that feed right into the lake. And when I refer to contaminants I am talking about DO, COD, BOD, particulates, chemicals, etc. The new homes on Lake Martin are miniscule contributors compared to discharges into the rivers, streams, etc. that enter Lake Martin. So no, the McMansions are not ruining the lake water quality. And no, I do not own one but I am generally opposed to the concept that once my house is built no others should be allowed. And I don't use pesticides or herbicides on my lawn.
What makes the Tallapoosa unique is the relative absence of very large cities in the watershed. Just look at the water quality in West Point Lake which is downstream from Atlanta. We are way, way better off. In fact, the worst water quality in Lake Martin is in the upper reaches which are closest to Alex City. No surprise there. No doubt the development around the lake is contributing to the water quality but it pales in comparison to the impact from Alex City and non-point source disharges into the Tallapoosa river and its tributaries. Properly designed and maintained septic systems and moderate use of pesticides and herbicides all makes sense for individual homeowners but they are in now way the primary contributor to the water quality of the lake.