Well said Summer Lover
6/20/2015 8:00:37 AM
So it is about proportioallity? Ok, let's go with your "FACTS". The framers intent was to give the citizenry a means to protect themselves from tyrants and despots who may achieves power over them. At that time about the biggest weapon the government had was cannons, the citizens had muskets. Not proportional but one well placed sniper or sabatuer could pretty much equalize things. On top of superior firepower the government always has a numbers and financial advantage.
FACT: now the government has tanks, APC'S, helicopters, planes, drones, and satellites. Tell me how a semi-automatic AR-15 is proportional? Much superior firepower coupled with data acummalation (AKA SPYING) give the government the massive advantage.
So going with your strict interpretation of the second ammendment I need to upgrade my firepower. Anybody got a spare F-35 sitting around for sale cheap?