but like what he has done. Fine, but you know even Mussolini made the trains run on time and carried out admirable improvements to Italy's infrastructure. The bottom line is that for most Americans character counts too.
OK, you might have had some moral reservations about Trump but thumbs-up to his accomplishments. Majorie Taylor Greene is also a strong supporter of Trump's policies. I would bet you might also have some problems with her character, but do you feel her support for Trump's policies are sufficient to offset any qualms about her character and morals thereby making her acceptable as a member of congress? If she is acceptable as a member of congress would she also acceptable as your grandkid's school teacher, or how about as their babysitter?
Let me guess...gotcha question. No, it is not a gotcha question, it is just a question that I believe you cannot figure a way to answer in a way that aligns with your unwavering support for Trump and his supporters and your truly felt moral compass.