Voter Fraud
8/5/2016 10:25:39 AM
Voter fraud (at least at the polling places) for all practical purposes does not exist...period! Only someone with evil purpose in mind, you for instance, would say it makes sense to make it more difficult for people who are legally qualified to vote to do so in order to end something that does not exist in the first place!
You answer my question (fat chance). If it is possible, even esy, to get a photo ID with non-photo evidence and if there are thousands of people out there Hellbent on casting illegal votes, will they not just transfer the place where the fraud occurs from the polling booth to the Drivers License Bureau or passport offices. Think about it!
As I have said, I fully support the requirement of a ''Voter Photo ID Card'' for ANYBODY to vote. Everybody would be required to go through the same hassle to get it. Now that would be fair! You willing?