The Trap is Set
1/24/2018 10:29:38 PM
I am of the opinion that the majority of govt workers, while all have their political views, are just trying to do their jobs. What I dislike is when political appointees, who are clearly partisans, get transitioned into civil service positions in order to keep them in government. That is likely what happened at DOJ and the FBI. They stack senior civil service positions with political hacks and then you get insurance policies, secret societites and the charge of the existence of the deep state. As the facts come out, those dismissed as looney conspiracy theorists about the deep state are actually being vindicated. There does in fact seem to be a deep state within the government that is comprised of partisan Democrats willing to do anything, legal or not, to advance that party.
As for Trump and testifying under oath with Mueller, if he agrees he is likely toast. These guys know how to set traps that can turn a faulty memory or what at the time seemed like not a big deal into a criminal act. Bill Clinton, who was a master at prevacation, was done in by his testimony about something unrelated to the original Starr investigation. Trump, as much as I hate to say it, would be a fool to talk to Mueller. And even if he does, he should refuse to answer any question unrelated to the colluision issue. And his answers to every question should be, "There was no collusion."