Simple Facts For WIZARD WIX From GOOF-KRAP
4/17/2021 6:34:38 PM (updated 4/17/2021 6:42:08 PM)
I love my nick name.....GOOF-KRAP. You are quite original for a racist.
Boy, that was a switch from the killings to oil prices. My concern is how did he obtain the rifle he used in the killings?
I don't worry about gas prices...Biden's improving economy creates the demand for more oil. 560,000 dead from the Trump Virus also reduced demand. And, the Saudi's reduced production. Prices fell because there was much less demand for the product due to curfews. Now, we are out traveling thanks to the Biden government.
When I realized the price was going to increase, I bought Exxon at 47. Since buying, it hit 62 and now at 57. If it falls to 55, I am out. Will use profit to fill my tank. The Left invests while the Right bitches about gas prices. Nothing ever changes...the Right blames their misery index on the Left....maybe the Right needs to man up and take charge of their well being and stop waiting for the govenment to implement price controls. Trump destroyed the economy with his lies on the Virus and Biden is slowly showing progress. Check the stock market dude.
These are the simple facts.