Question rolling around in my mind
7/23/2020 12:19:19 PM
I believe that the mission of the feds is trying to protect federal property. However, Trump has said he is willing to deploy feds to the cities where violence has taken over. We know that the Constitution gives us Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Peacable assembly and even the right to petition the government for grievances, but how far does that go where violence is tearing up the cities? And what about in the cities where crime is killing people, like in Chicago?
On one hand we have the protests - some are peacable, some aren't. But for how long do you let that go on? Setting aside the virus, it is bad for tourism, horrible for those trying to go about their normal lives. How long do you let Black Lives Matter preach and paint the streets with their name? And when it turns deadly, what do you do then? How long do you have police force lined up, trying to contain protestors, and have people spit in their faces and get nose to nose with them, spewing profanity in their faces? How long do you let that continue, and what do you do about it?
Then you have the gang/drug violence in the city. Last weekend in Chicago, 55 shot, 7 killed. What do you do when gang violence is killing bystanders? Who decides when enough is enough?
You can talk about Democrats getting what they deserve, but I have a feeling that even the majority of them, this is not what they voted for. At what point and who is responsible for bringing the law and order? Obviously the mayor and the city counsil, but if they don't act? Those that are worried about protecting the lives of unborn babies - who is worrying about protecting the lives of children that have already been born?