50 souls met their maker last night. Please let us remember them and the 50 plus who were also shot. That they might have conducted their life in a way some of us don't understand or don't accept, doesn't matter. These were 50 of God's children.
This talk about guns is pointless. They don't have guns in Iraq, but those crazy people just grab a bomb and kill more than were killed last night. Hell, Timothy McVeigh took out an entire building and its occupants with diesel fuel and fertilizer.
World War III is upon us and last night, I fear, is just an introductory skirmish.
In fact, last night is an even more stark reminder that the law abiding citizens should arm themselves. A single armed patron last night might have been able to save literally scores of lives.
So Archie, Goofy, Lifer go ahead and attack me. I don't care.