AGAIN...you don't get it! STILL
10/1/2016 5:16:55 PM (updated 10/1/2016 6:03:53 PM)
First, thanks for admitting you that you hate the Clintons and Obamas! Refreshing honesty!
Now, are you unable to read and understand English? This whole thread started with me pointing out that Trump was being stupid in pressing the Miss Universe non-issue, not a defense of the woman. I was surprised that Hound immediately posted with a rabid condemnation of the woman completely missing the point I was making. Apparently the Trump supporters for some reason are completely unable to get the meaning of my words...they certainly do not seem in anyway nuanced to me. Once AGAIN, I am not defending Miss Universe! I am NOT saying you should nor do I expect you vote against your beliefs even though l think a Trump win will have a very negative impact on all of us! Conversion of a Trumpista is an impossible task. All I am hoping is for at least one or two of you to finally get the gist of the original comments. To awake and recognize, understand and agree with the FACT that he is doing and saying stupid things that do not accrue to his benefit and bring his judgement into question!! Do you, as a Trump supporter, personally think his actions regarding this issue over the last couple of days have been wise...have they helped his cause?
I hope he keeps it up because, while he is probably not losing any of his current current cadre, he is certainly driving those who are undecided, especially women, into the arms of Hillary. It really seems the Trump supporters are in a trance and unable or uninterested in halting his attempt to commit political suicide...keep it up!! Hillary is loving it and so am I and all her supporters.