Trump going after Trump supporters in Wisconsin
6/26/2018 12:37:31 PM
Harley Davidson has been having issues for years, Pre-Trump they started not sourcing some parts not form the US and started building plants outside of the US - which has already caused a poor reputation for reliabililty to get worse. You have been under a rock if you think these are decisions solely based on the tarriffs.
May have something to do with a 12 million dollar fine by Obama admin for aftermarket parts violating the clean air act as well as the Obama economic recovery where no one had lots of disposable income to buy a new $30K+ high priced motorcycle.
I find it interesting that you have now come to Harley Davidsons defense after they have intentionally created devices to help destroy our environment, speed up global warming and violate EPA standards - not to mention noise pollution. Almost like you do not really know anything about their products or what they have done in the past, just jumping on that DNC bandwagon talking points.
Old Rule of thumb is you spend almost as much time working on a Harley as you do riding one.
People in the US are not buying Harleys like they used to, they have to change their model or start shutting down.
Besides since Putin and his biker gangs rides Harleys, they must be part of the Russia election collusion by Trump.