C'mon Archie, get a grip on reality here. This lie about what Trump was saying was debunked a long time ago. His point, and I completely agree with him, is that there are fine people on both sides of the issue of removing monuments for those that fought on the side of the South in the Civil War. Many recognize it as a part of our history and should not be removed, not because they are Nazi's or White Supremacists, but because they see the Civil War as being not just about slavery but also about state's rights. And there are good people on the other side that reasonably see these statues as celebrating the fight to preserve slavery and they should be removed. Both have a fair point and this is a debate worth having in a civil way without resorting to name calling and violence.
And then there are small minority of fanatics on both sides of ideological divide that we should all condemn. But before we can find common ground the left needs to stop lying about what Trump said and what he actually meant. Until then, civil debate is not possible.