held opinion that DJT and many of his supporters are consciously willing if required to destroying democracy in this nation I love in order to regain and then stay in control and I fully intend to exercise my 1st amendement rights to make that belief known until I am convinced otherwise or until they win and my 1st amendment rights are no longer available...is that clear enough Mr H?
Now I have answered your question so instaed of whining about mine try answering one for a change. I don't demand ''yes or no'' and am perfectly happy to have you include as many caveats or contextural framing or explanatory comments or other points of reference as you might chose to include in order to frame your answer. With that kind of leeway it is haed to justify the ''gotcha'' question claim.
You are convinced you are a patriot and l certainly agree that you in fact are. Please grant me the same consideration.