If he can
3/21/2009 11:39:28 AM
This is hardly the same situation as Hitler, but then the US did not enter into WWII until the Japanese attacked us. So, I guess in a way the world was willing to stand by and let Hitler do what he was doing.
Like you, I'm not terribly happy about the budget. I think we are digging ourselves and future generations into a very deep debt hole. And I do think the Administration is trying to do too much too soon, and without regard about the economic situation. I don't agree with the bailouts.
Like you, I think we got into trouble when we moved from an agricultural and manufacturing society to a service based economy. But, we are where we are. Americans stopped wanting to farm and to do manual labor. And we let our manufacturing labor costs get out of control. Obama hardly is responsible for all of this. That is why I say this may be the natural evolution of our government/economy. Maybe this is the end of the US as we have known it. All the great societies of history have had an Apex and then declined. The Romans, the Greeks, England, France...etc. So maybe we're not different. Believe me, I don't like this thought any more than you do, but I have to entertain it as a possibility.
I personally don't think they can afford to cut taxes enough to use that to stimulate the economy. An extra $100 in everyone paycheck is not going to cause people to go out and spend. Did Bush's rebate cause the economy to turn around? No. The only thing that is going to stimulate the economy at this point is for the threat of layoffs to stop and people to climb off their mountain of debt. People need confidence in the economy, not $100. I think if someone/anyone in the Administration could sit down and explain how concrete actions being taken are going to fix the economy, and do it in terms people can understand, that might start the confidence. But when people are hearing bailouts, big bonus' and "I'm responsible for the loophole", they totally lose confidence that anything is going to be okay.
And as far as my characterization of Pole vauliting over mouse turds, I was referring to the "outrage" of the Special Olympics gaffe and Obama's appearance on Leno.