If your understanding of Christianity is relegated to the Ten Commandments then you are missing the entire New Testament. But if you want to stick with the Old Testament then let's go there because your lack of substance in your response to my religious beliefs was just perfect. Let me refer you to the following Old Testament verses that either defines the proper relationship between males and females and defining homosexual acts as unclean and sinful: Genesis 1:27, 6:19; 9:20-24; 19:4-13, Leviticus 5:3, 18:22:24:24-30; 24:13 Duet 22:5, 23:17, Judges 2:11-13, 19:22-24, 1 Kings 14:22-24, 15:11-13, 22:43-46; 2 Kings 23:4-7; Ezekial 16:49-50; Daniel 11:37 and so on. Now I have looked for passages in the Old Testament that condoned homosexual behavior and came up with nothing.
Care to move onto the New Testament? I didn't think so. You see Hound, you can reject relgious beliefs if you want, but you cannot find any example of Judaism or Christianity texts identifying homosexuality with anything other than sin and the proper relationship for humanity as a man and woman. God didn't create a dude to go with Adam. Christ didn't define marriage as anything other than one man and one woman leaving their mother and father and becoming one in the sacrament of holy matrimony. And we were created to be complimentary in terms of our physical attributes.
It simply amazes me to listen to people bunch themselves up in knots to justify abnormal behavior by a tiny portion of our population. Natural law and God's law.........you want to refute either I am all ears. Will be fun to watch you try.