I think it is pretty clear that we cannot afford the subsidies proposed by Democrats. There is a time and place to expand and there is a time and place to contract, in my opinion,this is a time to contract on spending. I personally would love to live in a country with free education and heavily subsidized health care and all kinds of other bennies. But given the state of our economy, it makes no sense to me that this is the right time. I lived in the DC area when the Clintons were in power. With Bill's affairs (there many more than Monica), their total lack of respect for the military (they had to order the military outside when Bill visited the Pentagon. There were reports of senior military officers being asked to pass hor'derves at White House functions). And Hilary's sense of entitlements rivaled Michelle Obama.). Hilary has spent her life planning to be President, but the fact is, she has no more temperament for it than Trump .
Trump offers a chance to perhaps change the Washington gridlock. Yes at times he is outrageous, but some of the greatest military leaders were pretty outrageous and had big egos and that can also work to an advantage as a leader. He knows that. Look at the following he has garnered by being outrageous.