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Name:   MartiniMan The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   This is leadership?!?!?
Date:   1/9/2009 9:22:37 AM

Great question and I will give you my opinion. First, what he doesn't need to say is all is predictions about how bad it is going to get. When unemployment is at 7% the last thing you want to hear from him is it is going to be 10%. When he says things are the worst ever in our lifetimes it only demonstrates how egocentric he is. My Mom and her generation remember the Depression when unemployment was 30%. When she heard that she scoffed at his arrogance and ignorance as if history began at the age of reason of Obama. When he says the recession could last 4 years or longer when recessions historically last 12 to 24 months without the kind government intervention and socialistic solutions that he is proposing, When he says kids won't be able to afford college, foreclosures will go up, up, up and on and on all he does is fan the flames of negative consumer sentiment. I also don't want to hear him say that we will only recover through government intervention because it is simply false. All that government can do is take money from the productive and give it to others, in the most grotesquely inefficient way. Or even worse, which is what he proposes is to print money increasing the government debt.

So what I would like to hear him say is that yes, times are tough and we are undergoing an economic downturn but what is great about this country is that we always rise to the challenge. That despite our economic downturn we are still the most powerful economic engine in the world and that we need to free that engine to do what it does best. That government has a role to play in the economic recovery but it will only come about when you the consumer become confident that we are coming out of this downturn and begin to spend again. I want him to say that he recognizes that the only way out of a recession is to restore consumer confidence by spurring investment in the private sector. In order to do that I am going to make the tax cuts of 2002 permanent because every single tax bracket was lowered and if that doesn't have the desired impact I am going to lower each tax bracket again in 6 months and make that permanent. I am also going to reduce the maximum corporate tax rate to 20% and permanently increase the Section 179 exemption to $500,000 (indexed to inflation) which will leave more money in the hands of corporations that create jobs. This will also make our corporations more competitive in the global economy and will spur investment. I want him to say he is going to eliminate the death tax because all it does is force small and medium size companies out of business or sold at fire sale prices to pay taxes. I want him to say that the government caused the credit meltdown by distorting the marketplace through well intentioned, but poorly conceived and executed programs that we will be overhauling so they never do this again or eliminating them altogether (i.e. the Community Redevelopment Act). That he no longer supports groups like ACORN that sued banks to force them to make loans to people that everyone knew could never afford to pay them back. That we now recognize that not everyone has to own a home and that we don't do the working poor and lower middle class any favors when we saddle them with ruinous debt simply to score political points. he is not going to take the money of the people of the United States and give it to failing businesses and he will let the markets punish or save them as the market sees fit and if any money goes to businesses it will be to support successful enterprises to provide an incentive to create new jobs. I want him to say that there is a moratorium on expanding the code of federal regulations and in fact, we will reduce the CFR by 20% during my administration. I want him to say we will not pursue the ruinous policies of FDR that turned a worldwide depression into a Great Depression in the United States that could only be resolved by our entry in World War 2. I want him to say that we got into this mess through too much debt and so the federal government is not going to try to solve that problem with more debt.

You see, what I want him to say is from the perspective of an entirely different world view. That government is not the solution, it is the problem. So he could never say what I want to hear, what I believe is the only way to recover from this recession. What would be nice is if he were leading rather than fear mongering to try to panic the public into supporting his ill conceived ideas that have never, ever in the history of mankind worked!! To quote the vacuous John Lennon, "I may be a dreamer but I'm not the only one".
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This is leadership?!?!? - MartiniMan - 1/8/2009 11:17:03 AM
     This is leadership?!?!? - MrHodja - 1/8/2009 11:35:32 AM
     This is leadership?!?!? - water_watcher - 1/8/2009 11:57:56 AM
     CYA - pure and simple - AUCATZ - 1/8/2009 12:37:47 PM
          His speech was awful - MartiniMan - 1/8/2009 12:44:58 PM
     This is leadership?!?!? - Summer Lover - 1/8/2009 1:33:18 PM
          This is leadership?!?!? - Talullahhound - 1/8/2009 5:16:12 PM
               This is leadership?!?!? - Swimmer27 - 1/8/2009 5:36:59 PM
                    This is leadership?!?!? - Talullahhound - 1/8/2009 8:59:20 PM
                         Here's your link. - pi11pipe - 1/9/2009 12:51:41 AM
                         This is leadership?!?!? - Swimmer27 - 1/9/2009 7:04:30 AM
                              No, that's not it - Talullahhound - 1/9/2009 8:32:50 AM
                                   The EXACT quote.... - Swimmer27 - 1/9/2009 12:29:32 PM
                                   You stand corrected - Swimmer27 - 1/10/2009 4:52:13 PM
                                        OK - Talullahhound - 1/10/2009 9:26:56 PM
                         This is leadership?!?!? - MartiniMan - 1/9/2009 10:24:37 AM
                              This is leadership?!?!? - Swimmer27 - 1/9/2009 12:22:32 PM
     This is leadership?!?!? - cobra - 1/8/2009 10:04:21 PM
          This is leadership?!?!? - Talullahhound - 1/9/2009 8:35:47 AM
     This is leadership?!?!? - JustAGuy - 1/8/2009 10:57:52 PM
          This is leadership?!?!? - MartiniMan - 1/9/2009 9:22:37 AM
               This is leadership?!?!? - Talullahhound - 1/9/2009 9:44:58 AM
                    Can you imagine that? - MartiniMan - 1/9/2009 9:58:03 AM
                         Can you imagine that? - JustAGuy - 1/9/2009 7:11:57 PM
                              Can you imagine that? - MartiniMan - 1/9/2009 11:09:12 PM

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