I was in no way trying to insinuate that you have a wife whose spending is out of control. I was merely using a hypothetical to try and relate the need for the "federal government" to have a balance budget and the need for a "family" to have a balanced budget is basically the same. But as usual you had to turn things into a negative situation by calling me a neandertha, calling me a "controlling" husband,l and referring to my "obedient" wife. Notice I used the word "if" in referring to your wife but you had to jump to the conclusion that I am a "controlling" husband. Also, you made no mention to the fact that Obama essentially "doubled" the national debt in eight years and that the national debt is rising at 2.4 billion dollars a day. Further, you seem to have no concern about our indebtedness to foreign countries. I will respond later to your question about the occurence of a balanced budget.