10/17/2016 11:02:48 AM
Fraud has been written about, you just have not looked hard enough to find it.
So, if all the blabber for the past two weeks has been that Trump's treatment of women disqualifies him from the POTUS, you then must absolutely feel that you do not want to live through another Bill Clinton experience in the White House. It must have been way too much for you to handle, seeing those innocent women, who did no more than accuse WJC, POTUS, of sexual assault, rape, cigar tricks, run up the flagpole like that. You must have felt that EVERY women who has been a victim of sexual aggression deserves to be heard and not be called part of the "Bimbo eruptions", or taunted with comments like "run a dollar bill through a trailer park". Right Copper? I admire your stance and faithful support of all women who have been violated like this. I especially admire your comdemnation at the time of WJC's wife, who equally participated in shaming Bill's victims for personal gain. Your unwavering stance and holding all guilty parties to the same standard is rare these days. Well done. (Sarc off)