2/24/2016 12:58:37 PM
To recap, my direct experience with DoD, DHHS, TSA, and Treasury shows the DoD to stand head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to the quality and dedication of the civilian workforce. My experience outside the DoD has been that the first consideration in any action is the political one, the "who, not what", and that the useful work per dollar outside the DoD is far less. That being said, there are definitely slackers, both civilian and uniformed, within the DoD. With regard to the supporting contractor workforce there are those who provide a dollar or more worth of value for each dollar spent, and there are those who are opportunists and screw the Government at each and every turn. Others can provide anecdotal evidence supporting their views; I would have to believe there are attaboys and awshits aplenty, no matter which governmental activity one speaks of.