Matt Lauer
11/29/2017 8:36:28 PM
I just read that the woman had complained to NBC management before, but was blown off by the powers. Guess when she showed up in their office with a lawyer and a lawsuit that lays out the charges, they decided it was time to take seriously.
It was well known within the company that he cheated on his wife on a regular basis and they lived seperate lives. She lives in the Hamptons and he lives in teh city. She has filed for divorce twice, but ended up withdrawing.
Interesting question: All jokes aside (perhaps they could run for Congress?), how will they find another job after this comes up? When you are a public person, and you are spectacularly fired for sexual misconduct, who will hire you? And Matt Lauer has a bad reputation after th Ann Curry fiasco.
I guess at this point, I'm wondering like everyone else who will be next. Has ABC fired anyone yet?