It was not my intention by any means to say that all the erosion is the result of wake boats. I once lived on a quiet slough but it is not that way any more. However, for six years I had almost no erosion but the changes over the last two years have made it necessary to extend my sea wall. By no means am I saying that wake boats should be banned. But you yourself suggested the possibility of creating "wake surfing" zones around the lake. Why should everyone have to install "whips" on their dock to protect their boats because of wakes? Emotions aside, I must say as a granddad, I fear for my grandkids as they play in the water no more the ten feet from the dock. As we all know, new "Toys" are going to come along and everyone who can afford one wants to have one. However, every "toy" has its place and that's why it is necessary to have laws that govern their use. If every person used common sense and took responsibility for their new "toys", the world and especially the lake, would be a better and safer place. Also, I ask again, do you have any suggestions how one might introduce thr possibility of having "wake surfing" zones? I appreciate your interest on this subject.