You are doing it again Hound
5/31/2018 9:49:53 AM (updated 5/31/2018 10:01:25 AM)
You may be right, but think about this...Trump was more popular and more respected when he was elected than now, Clinton easily won the popular vote inspite of her flaws and stupid campaign, 77,000 votes in 3 states (out of 140 million cast) determined the election, turnout was down in democratic areas due to lack of enthusiasm and the "certainty" of the outcome (this will not be the case in 2020), the demographic changes between 2016 and 2020 will be substantial to the detriment of Trump (not to be morbid, but by 2020, 10 million people of Trump's strongest voter group will have departed this earth while 15 to 18 million of his worst demographic will be added to the electoral rolls), and it is likely that a very bad report will have been issued by the Special Council (I know you and most on this forum will dismiss it as "fake" news but most voters will not).
As your hero would say "we'll see, we'll see".