You are doing it again Hound
5/31/2018 11:54:48 AM
Well, we will see. If Mueller had anything solid on Trump, it would be released already. He's got nothing, but it is in the Democrat's best iinterest to see the investigation keep going, to keep up the suspicion. Seriously, you should be glad that Hillary did not win the election. She would have been a disaster. I have high hopes of seeing a woman President one day, but not her.
You know Post WWII we had a booming economy. When LBJ ceated the war on poverty, the programs he put into place are not the programs we have today. Our economy is completely different, people now see government hand outs as their "right", not as a safety net. Somehow liberals have not seen this. The reason for Hillary's popularity is that she told her base what they wanted to hear: free school, cheap healthcare, take from the rich and give to the poor. But that doesn't take into account human nature- too many people today are ready to sit back and let the government provide everything for them. Liberal ignore that in countries that provide "free" to their people, are also countries where the tax burden is high. And when you tax the heck out of the rich - they either move, take their wealth out of the country, or they just stop working. What woud be the point?