I can you that fibromyalgia is not psychosymatic. The pain is real and can be incapacitating at times. Just because there isn't a specific test for it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Mine mostly stays under control, but I do get flares when the weather is very damp, very humid or we get fronts coming in. I regularly see a rhumatologist and they will tell you that fibro is real. I could write you a book about it, but sufffice to say that I have found it feels better when I stick to a healthy diet and take the Cymbalta. I've been on Cymbalta now for about 17 years. I've been offered Lyrica too, but I don't need to have two drugs in my system that cause weight gain.
I believe I got fibro during a 5 year period when my Cortisol levels were off the chart due to stress. At first, I thought it was my bones huring, but it is actually the nerves and the pain seems to vibrate off the bones. I get weird bouts of inflammation. If only it were psycosymatic - I would be standing on the psychiatrists door step waiting to be treated.