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Name:   Talullahhound The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   Hmmmmmm
Date:   6/27/2009 7:20:00 PM

What are the authors credentials that allow her to make these assertions with such authority? I googled her and did not come up with anything other than Rush Limbaugh embracing the article (naturally).

She provides no proof of her allegations about BO,sr. Did she know him? Doubtful. So how does she know that he was "enraged" and embraced Marxism?

What are her "conservative values" that she got from her tribe. Again, she makes an unsupported statement, but doesn't elaborate. There are a lot of conservative values.

I disagree with her premise that most Americans don't know about colonialism in Africa.

What proof does she offer that he lacks an understanding of "tribal customs"? And if he does, what does that have to do with American politics. As she points out, he was raised in the US. I think many people are interested in understanding their roots (hence the popularity of geneology) and there is a good chance they don't understand all the nuances of their ancesterol customs, but so what?

Her comment "feigned antipathy" -- what proof does she offer? And her claim that that Obama says that tribal associations are distracting elemnets that get in the way of progress. I would say what has taken place in Rwanda and DROC are a pretty good indication that tribal associations are distracting elements. Same is true in Afghanistan and the tribal regions of Pakistan. Show me one developing nation that clings to it's tribal associations that has developed into a thriving nation.

She claims that Obama has seized wealth. In Africa, wealth is seized by tribal leaders as a matter of gaining power and personal wealth. There are numerous examples of this.

Her 4th point makes no sense at all. Post Colonial Africa fell apart for various reasons. In post Colonial Africa was caught between tribal loyalties and greedy despots who often seized power thought violent means. What is her basis for saying that this could happen in the US?

I go back to my original statement that she is an angry black woman who is the one that is mad at "whitey". Maybe she should go back to Africa -- to her tribe -- and lead them into the 21st century. It's time this woman got over colonialism. There are many educated theories about the problems of Africa and what it will take to resolve them.

As for my African background, I was a West African desk officer 1997-1998 and was involved with the first visit by a delegation from Angola and the first defense delegations from South Africa. Additionally, I had several Congolese students who were stuck in the US when the carnage re-erupted in the Congo and I have read extensively about Rwanda because I am interested in the genocide that took place there. An expert on Africa? Not really, but I think I know more than most people.

I wonder if all of you would have been so enamored with the article if Rush Limbaugh hadn't quoted from it? And given that the "Thinker" is a right wing conservative publication -- well that speaks for itself.

In order to convince me of something, you are going to have to do better than cutting and pasting articles from conservative right wing publications. When I see that you are taking your information from a variety of sources and forming your own opinion that embracing whatever RL says, well, then maybe I'll listen. If you embrace this article, you obviously don't believe in critical reading.
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Obama the African Colonial - MartiniMan - 6/27/2009 10:17:59 AM
     Obama the African Colonial - Talullahhound - 6/27/2009 2:23:43 PM
          Obama the African Colonial - dvine - 6/27/2009 3:48:43 PM
               Smell yourself - Talullahhound - 6/27/2009 6:37:38 PM
                    Smell yourself - dvine - 6/27/2009 8:19:38 PM
                         My goodness! - architect - 6/27/2009 11:09:35 PM
                              There you go again ... - water_watcher - 6/27/2009 11:39:03 PM
                         Ah yes - Talullahhound - 6/28/2009 8:22:20 AM
          Hmmmmmm - MartiniMan - 6/27/2009 4:56:07 PM
               Hmmmmmm - oneshot - 6/27/2009 6:22:27 PM
                    Hmmmmmm - architect - 6/27/2009 11:27:50 PM
                         Hmmmmmm - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 8:13:49 AM
                              To MM: see 5/24/09 - architect - 6/28/2009 12:20:50 PM
                                   To MM: see 5/24/09 - architect - 6/28/2009 12:28:07 PM
                                        To MM: see 5/24/09 - architect - 6/28/2009 12:44:58 PM
                                        I accept your apology - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 12:54:43 PM
                                             I accept your apology - architect - 6/28/2009 1:00:24 PM
                                                  I accept your apology - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 1:33:16 PM
               Hmmmmmm - Talullahhound - 6/27/2009 7:20:00 PM
                    Hmmmmmm - au67 - 6/27/2009 8:38:46 PM
                    Hmmmmmm - architect - 6/27/2009 11:13:49 PM
                    Hmmmmmm - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 8:09:57 AM
                         MM & AU - Talullahhound - 6/28/2009 8:48:37 AM
                              Still not an answer - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 1:01:02 PM
                                   Au Contraire - Talullahhound - 6/28/2009 4:21:53 PM
                                        What is interesting - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 5:32:44 PM
                                             What I find interesting is.... - Swimmer27 - 6/28/2009 6:47:37 PM
                                                  Swimmer - Talullahhound - 6/29/2009 7:58:54 AM
                                                       Swimmer - Swimmer27 - 6/29/2009 8:45:02 AM
                                                            Swimmer - Talullahhound - 6/29/2009 5:41:27 PM
                                                       Credentials - au67 - 6/29/2009 11:04:47 AM
                                                            Credentials - Talullahhound - 6/29/2009 5:39:17 PM
               Hmmmmmm - architect - 6/27/2009 11:12:11 PM
                    Are you an adult? - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 8:12:22 AM
                         I repeat "stuff it" - architect - 6/28/2009 12:11:43 PM
                              Childish and immature - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 12:41:23 PM
                                   Childish and immature - architect - 6/28/2009 12:54:57 PM
                                        When you are right - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 1:03:34 PM
                    Architect - Talullahhound - 6/28/2009 4:30:31 PM
                         Architect - architect - 6/28/2009 4:54:38 PM
                              I say "jerk" not "yank" - architect - 6/28/2009 4:57:21 PM
                                   I say "jerk" not "yank" - Talullahhound - 6/28/2009 5:22:27 PM
                                        I say "jerk" not "yank" - water_watcher - 6/28/2009 6:28:11 PM
                         And yet neither of you - MartiniMan - 6/28/2009 5:38:39 PM

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