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Name:   Lifer - Email Member
Subject:   First kid caught smoking pot
Date:   8/10/2016 11:09:13 AM

Just saw pics of the elder kid at music festival toking up at a recent music festival.  Not a word from MS.  Imagine e if it was a Trump kid.  She has also been seen  and photographed at a beer pong table,  tweaking, and partying it up in Amsterdam. All this while under age. Great values instilled in those kids.

Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   First kid caught smoking pot
Date:   8/10/2016 10:09:28 PM

The White House will probably have to be fumigated in Jan to get all the dope smell out.  Notice the three liberal idiots saw nothing wrong with a minor following in her father's tradition.

Name:   weagle74 - Email Member
Subject:   First kid caught smoking pot
Date:   8/11/2016 9:32:08 AM

I seem to recall that the media made a pretty big deal when the Bush girls were spotted partying a little too hard. Could be that double standard thing that the media occasionally participates in.

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   First kid caught smoking pot
Date:   8/11/2016 10:23:09 AM

Lifer, Wix, and sound like you were virgins until age 30, never smoked, never drank. This is a different world dudes.

Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   Goofbutt, the world hasn't changed......
Date:   8/11/2016 10:41:33 AM

Just the idiot dimokraps who think the world belongs to them.  Goofbutt, I've seen plenty of "your new world" and I haven't seen any of it I really appreciate.  My world went to the moon, developed the internet, computers, cell phones, interstates, huge industrial complexes, and healthcare advances beyond belief.  Tell us what the socialist regime has done to positively impact our lives.

Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   WAIT....
Date:   8/11/2016 10:43:27 AM

Your world has contributed Facebook and Twitter.....I almost forgot...

Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   AND.....TWO THUMB TYPING!!!!!.
Date:   8/11/2016 1:08:36 PM

Name:   weagle74 - Email Member
Subject:   First kid caught smoking pot
Date:   8/11/2016 3:28:17 PM

GF - Not judging the girls of either family. I actually can't imagine being able to stay grounded and keeping my head screwed on straight with the pressure of being a "first kid." Lots of temptations out there for kids today. Put money and notariety into the mix and the temptations could be overwhelming. My point was that the media made a big deal out of the Bush girls getting a little drunk, but you don't see equal treatment for the O girls and their straying over into some grey areas. Just sayin'...

BTW, I'm in my mid 60s and just never have been interested in doing the pot thing. Drank a little beer while in the Navy at the beer blasts, but really can't stand 'em now. I couldn't care less if people drink or not as long as they do it responsibly. Just give me a big glass of sweet tea or a cold Coke and I'm good to go. Weird, huh?

Name:   Buteye - Email Member
Subject:   First kid caught smoking pot
Date:   8/11/2016 6:18:32 PM (updated 8/11/2016 6:29:47 PM)

I agree, a glass of sweet, cold ice tea is better than any alcoholic beverage I ever tasted. Between the wife and I we go through a gallon of Liptons tea a day in the summer time. I also drink a a cup of hot tea every morning at breakfast. As for as temptations go for younger people to follow the crowd, it all comes down to one thing, can you be your own man or woman? I don't claim to be someone who has never strayed in life and I am not trying to pull my own chain, but I offer the following situation in my high school days as evidence that you don't have to follow the crowd. I attended a small public high school in Alabama, was quarterback on the football team and was a year younger and the smallest one on the team. Occasionally after a night practice I would go along with four or five of the older guys to a bootleggers house where they would buy a beer. I was always seated in the back of the car by the window and I would turn up my bottle as everyone else did, but since it was dark I was not drinking my beer, so when everyone threw out their empty bottles I would follow suit and throw out my full bottle of beer. To this day I still do not like the taste of beer and do not drink alcoholic beverages. I don't dislike people who drink, but I have never known of any case where drinking has had a positive affect on anyones life. As an example I offer up Philip Lutzenkirchen, an Auburn football player with a promising NFL career, who died in an automobile accident in LaGrange, Georgia on June 30, 2014 along with his friend who was the driver of the car. As for as smoking pot, we used to smoke grapevine under the loading dock at the train depot. And no, you are not weird and I am 76.


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