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Name:   Lifer - Email Member
Subject:   Listened to Trump announce
Date:   6/16/2015 12:02:58 PM

Rambling but definitely from the heart. Arrogant but has the track record to back it up. Makes some great points. Definitely knows how to surround himself with the right folks. Do t  think he can be bought, and if he could only a very select few could afford him. If he lasts I may vote for him. Will certainly be paying attention to him.


During the last election I have a friend who said what he would like to se is a candidate that would campaign by naming who they would put in cabinet positions during the campaign so informed voters could actually vote for an "administration" as opposed to a candidate. Who one chooses to surround themselves with speaks volumes.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Ross Perot redux?
Date:   6/16/2015 2:18:17 PM

Trump reminds me way too much of Ross Perot and we saw how that worked out for the country.  I personally believe its a publicity stunt and he will drop out if it starts to look like he might win.  Even worse, if he doesn't get the nomination he might go third party exactly like Perot and we end up with a Dem POTUS for Obama's 3rd term and Jimmy Carter's 4th term.  We are too close to the precipice to take that chance.

Name:   Lifer - Email Member
Subject:   Ross Perot redux?
Date:   6/16/2015 7:25:16 PM

I had the same thoughts and concerns but at the very least he may inject some reality from outside the beltway into debates/race. I am pretty certain he can't do all he claimed he can in today's speech, but if anyone would do a fraction of the things he postulated they would be hailed as a hero and quite possibly could save our republic. I am as disgusted with the current crop of republicans as I am the democrats. We gave them control of both houses and a vast majority of states in an historic election only for them to cave and allow the current administration to continue their lawlessness. I believe in the fullness of time when all of their actions are exposed, as they surely will be, the corruption and incompetence will shock most of the current crop of syncapats. But I am equally sure that those folks will blame the republicans because they refused to bow to his will.  Well, for the first six years anyway. They are carrying his water  now on the trade package.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Ross Perot redux?
Date:   6/17/2015 8:36:43 AM

As long as he accepts the will of the primary voters and stays out of the general as a third party I am OK.  But in a room full of big egos the Donald will have the biggest.  If he can keep that in check he has the ability to shape the discussion.  If not, he will be hugely distracting and disruptive to the process.

As for the GOP, they are going to do some good things and apparently some not so good things.  But anyone that thought giving them control of the Senate, House, etc. was some panacea was not paying attention to the last time they had this much control.  They are almost all big government types, the differences being on the edges (how big is big, effectiveness, waste, fraud, etc.).  I did not have high expectations for them because I looked at the leadership they selected.  Still, I do not miss Pelosi or Reid and at least we have some committees doing some good things.

Name:   Firefighter - Email Member
Subject:   Ross Perot redux?
Date:   6/17/2015 10:33:20 AM

I agree. Both parties are failures. Thr republician leadership is a letdown. The broblem with Trump -Just ask yourself how many times he has gone bankrupt. He is an expert at using other peoples money, giving himself a big salary and then defaulting.


All I know is that we are in trouble and I don't see a GOOD plan to reverse the course. Most of the candidates just have a big mouth but no past history of doing anything constructive.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   The sad reality
Date:   6/17/2015 10:53:23 AM

Even though none of them are close to being perfect, any one of them would be infinitely better for this country than Obama or Hillary or any Democrat for that matter.  That is how far we have fallen.......

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   The sad reality
Date:   6/17/2015 7:33:57 PM

I don't know, I kinda like The Donald.  You can't accuse him of pandering to special interests, he says what he thinks no matter who he insults, he's got a really thick skin and you can't accuse him of being politically correct or diplomatic.  I doubt he has the patience for grinding out the debates and running around the country trying to charm people into voting for him.  I doubt he is in for the long term, but I suspect he will bring some issues to the table that everyone else will try to sidestep. 

I think 2016 is shaping up to be the saddest election given the people who are declared or planning to declare.  I keep hoping there is someone out there that isn't jumping on the band wagon right now and is a serious candidate.

And by the way, I predict that Michelle Obama will run for office a la Hilary Clinton.  I dislike her about as much as I dislike Hilary and she would never get my vote. 

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   The sad reality
Date:   6/18/2015 8:32:23 AM

Not sure what you are waiting for but there are several GOP candidates that while you may not agree with everything they believe are better than Romney or McCain.  Heck, even Slick Willie complimented the GOP field the other day.  I will say this about Trump, he has brought out the long knoves in the conservative media.  When I listen to all his promises I come away 100% convinced that he actually believes that his superior negotiating skills can make them so.  He has a lot to learn about politics and dealing with foriegn governments and after the last 6 plus years of on the job training and those pathetic results I think we should avoid another repeat.  He will be netertaining but I still worry whether it will be worth the potential damage he could do in the meantime.

Name:   Lifer - Email Member
Subject:   The sad reality
Date:   6/18/2015 2:15:32 PM

Personally I think wanting or expecting a candidate that I agree with 100% of the time is unrealistic. I have a short list of issues i consider vital and as long as those there to heck with the rest because nobody will get their entire agenda passed, except Obama of course because what he can't get legally with legislation he just does by executive fiat. Democrats whether in majority or minority will never allow a republican the same power.

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   The sad reality
Date:   6/18/2015 9:03:47 PM

Not expecting to find a candidate that I can agree with 100%.  That just isn't going to happen.  And like everyone else I do have some issues that are vital to me, in finding a candidate that I can support.  Right off the bat, though, I have heard some of the candidates say things that just crosses them out for me, right from the start.  Time will tell. It's early in the game. 

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