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Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Martial Law?
Date:   11/11/2016 2:44:35 PM (updated 11/11/2016 2:45:02 PM)

But these protests continue and there is one person that seems to be the mastermind behind it. That would be the ultra liberal billionaire George Soros. He was also responsible for financing some of the protest groups that was designed to have violence at the Trump rallies.

And now that Trump has been elected president of the United States, there are people that are out on the streets protesting his victory. It’s a little ironic considering that liberals were the ones that were complaining about how Trump wouldn’t accept the election results if fraud was detected.

Here is the issue though. There are people out on the streets that are protesting a presidential election. These are the same people that were the ones inciting violence at the Trump rallies. And those people were paid by Soros to start, so it’s likely that he is the one that is paying them to start civil unrest now.

And there is a specific reason that Soros wants to have violence at the protests. That would mean that President Obama would have to declare Martial Law. This is how it works. It’s literally a domino effect. There are people out protesting the election results.

Martial Law is when the president has to suspend transfer of power due to the fact that there is a “National Emergency.” Therefore if that would happen then Trump wouldn’t be able to see the White House because Obama would still be the president of the United States. There is a good chance that this has been the back up plan for some liberals all along.

And there is proof out there that the protests are staged. There are protests going on all over the United States and in one part of the nation, Austin, Texas, they found the buses that were used to bring the people in. Again these are planned in order to create civil unrest.


We will see in January if that peaceful transfer or power actually occurs.




Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Martial Law?
Date:   11/11/2016 3:57:10 PM

This is the same crowd that has been protesting everything for years now.  Obama is not going to declare martial law.  I'm pretty sure that Obama is ready to leave the WH about now.  There will be a peaceful transfer of power.  We managed it when Obama was elected and a lot of people were pretty upset back then.


Name:   Lifer - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Martial Law?
Date:   11/11/2016 4:05:11 PM

The transfer of power will take place, how peaceful it is or isn't is up for debate at this point. One thing for certain, it will be peaceful around the president and president-elect. The SS and US Marshals will see to that. Once sworn in President Trump will take care of the rioters in duration time. Mass arrests and long jail sentences will put an end to the foolishness. Unfortunately soros is a citizen and can't be deported, but he can be indicted and prosecuted but he is probably to smart for that and will have insulated himself with layers after fall guys to go down before you ever get to him. Think Bob Cramer. Where is he now? Well, on the Clinton crime  family Foundation probably.

Name:   Lifer - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Martial Law?
Date:   11/11/2016 4:09:00 PM

You're right.  He would probably leave now.... Lol. He may sneak out in the middle of the night and thumb his nose at us once again. I  second thought he won't do it till after his two week taxpayer funded vacation in Hawaii. I wonder how many trip moochelle can get in before the free pass expires.

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Martial Law?
Date:   11/11/2016 4:14:30 PM

think soros has bigger problems


Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Martial Law?
Date:   11/11/2016 4:29:23 PM

Oh I agree there will be a transfer of power - but with these riots and petitions to the electoral collage to just do what they want and put Hillary in anyway it always makes for fun what-ifs.  I like to read lots of stuff to be prepared for the worst and pleased when it does not happen.  I have little faith in humanity as it is greedy and self-serving.  

I do hope that Trump makes good on many of his promises in regards to illegal immigration, the constitution and states rights.  It will take some time to get the bus back on the cliff and return it to the ditch by unraveling many of Obama's policies.  It is a good thing he went around congress with his pen, because those will be the easiest to strike from the books.

I wish him well in what is going to be one hell of an uphill battle between the democrats, media and many republicans.


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