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Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Tony Bennett has dementia
Date:   2/7/2013 9:24:57 AM

In what was probably the most coherent presentation of a bunch of Hollyweird libtards with the mayors for more gun violence, Tony Bennett said the following, and I paraphrase, if we don't have gun control we will end up like Nazi Germany.  I say the most coherent because he definitely beats out Chris Rock and his mommy and daddy statement about TOTUS and his bride (funny, I never hear him say that about Bush).  Also beats out the liberal hypocrite mayors who call for private citizens to be denied defensive weapons while none of them are willing to give up their armed security details.  I know, typical libtards think their lives are worth so much more than their own citizens.......hypocrisy is their middle name.

OK Tony Dimwit, here's a little history lesson for you.  Gun control in Germany was enacted in 1928 by the Weimar government out of fear of the National Socialists Brown shirts (i.e., Nazi's).  So far so good, right Mr. Dimwit?  But after the Nazi's took over control of the government in 1938 they extended  the German Weapons Act and revised it to create a complicated, lengthy bureaucratic process to register a gun for defensive purposes.  What this process did was make it all but impossible for Jews to get a permit to own a gun for defensive purposes.  And when Jews had access to weapons as in the Warsaw uprising, they were able to defend themselves but not successfully. Would it have prevented the holocaust?  Of course not and those that argue an armed Jewish population would have prevented it are stretching reality.  But did the disarming of Jews make their extermination like cattle to the slaughter?  No doubt about it.

But for Tony Dimwit to argue that we need to have gun control to prevent a repeat of Nazi Germany is profoundly stupid and if you understand history, exactly wrong.  In fact the German government tried to use gun control to prevent the rise of the Nazi's and it failed because they duped the masses with their promise of a strong Germany which resonated to many Germans that felt the post WWI treaty doomed them to economic misery......which it did.

But there is no doubt Nazi's used gun control to prevent the Jews from arming and defending themselves which made their extermination all that much easier and without any real resistance.  The point here for the left wing nuts that care is that there are many other totalitarian regime examples where they used gun control to stifle the masses but the record in Germany prior to and during WWII is not really relevant.  And that Tony Bennett is an the way, note to criminals, he has proclaimed he has no guns in his home and he is wealthy.  Have at it.......

Name:   Summer Lover - Email Member
Subject:   I have to wonder
Date:   2/7/2013 10:07:52 AM

Why slavery lasted so long in this country when all the slaves had to do was pickup their arms and fight for their freedom...

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Tony Bennett has dementia
Date:   2/7/2013 8:35:48 PM

It bothers me deeply that I agree with MM on this one.

Name:   roswellric - Email Member
Subject:   MM....
Date:   2/7/2013 9:57:13 PM

Tony D. is just an old crooner trying to be up to date. Nobody takes him seriously. Kick back and have a cool one :-)

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Now that's a fine idea
Date:   2/8/2013 9:02:02 AM

Not that I need an excuse mind you!  

What I found most amusing is that of all the entertainment left wing nuts there his incoherence was actually the most coherent of them all, which is obviously not saying much.  Probably every one of them has made a killing (pun intended) glorifying the use of guns in their movies and shows.  When they are not engaging in wanton sex they are blasting away with automatic and semi-automatic weapons while being paid millions. And then they want to lecture us about gun violence and trying to take away our defensive weapons while they have their armed guards.  Reminiscent of their globaloney nonsense while they drive their Prius to the airport to take a ride on their private jets.

I just like to keep their hypocrisy and idiocy front and center.  And in this case Tony left his brain in San Fransissy along with his heart.  :-)

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Blind squirrel
Date:   2/8/2013 11:04:03 AM

It can happen.  I hope you can choke down that acorn.

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