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Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Is there a race war brewing?
Date:   12/4/2014 8:40:57 AM

Contrary to all the claims, race relations in this country are as bad as I can remember.  And I grew up in the 60's and 70's.  Despite having elected our first black President, we have worse race relations today than we have had in the last 30 years.  Why is that?  Is America more racist today than it was 30 years ago?  Not even close.  Howver, despite having spent trillions on the war on poverty the fate of the black community is worse off today than ever.  Rates of poverty, incarceration, black on black violence, black on white violence, illegitimacy. black unemployment (especially with the youth) and all other measures are worse today than they were even 7 years ago when their false messiah was elected.  Why is that?

I believe that it isn't because we elected a a black President, it is because we elected the wrong black President.  He is not a uniter, he is a divider.  Every single opportunity handed to him on a silver platter to make things better were used as an excuse to foment anger, resentment and hatred in the black community, and for one reason only.  To try to gain more power.  To try to keep blacks on the Democrat party plantation who has failed them in every possible way.  There are no Martin Luther King's, there are only Al Sharpton's, Jesse Jacksaon's, John Lewis's and Barack Obama's.  The last 40 plus years of the great society has been a disaster for the black community.  The immigration policies of both parties frankly have likewise been a disaster for the black community.  The decimation of the family in our culture has been a disaster for all Americans, but the black community has seen the worst of it.  The focus of racist groups like Planned Parenthood (Margaret Sanger is looking up from her special place in he!!) have been a disaster for the black community.  The failure of our school system, I believe caused by federal government interference, has set us backward by removing the ability to think critically and filling the minds of our young people with abject nonsense instead of reading, writing and arithmetic.  

I used to think that when the likes of Sharpton and Jackson move onto their eternal reward and Obola is out of office that things may begin to again improve.  Now I am not so sure.  When you see multi-millionare football players and member of the black congressional caucus continuing an abject and total lie you have to realize that these guys have been replaced by a younger generation that likewise sees their path to wealth and fame can be advanced by dividing this country.  It is all about the culture and only when we reverse our cultural decline, when we again recognize that an intact family is the build block of our society, when we again realize that the path to the American dream involves hard work, sacrifice, getting an education, waiting for marriage to have children and so on, will we again be able to move forward as a country.  Until then, the slide will continue and the race baiters and pverty pimps will be allowed to enrich themselves at the expense of the black community.  Until the black community as a whole demands something different none of this will change.

Name:   au67 - Email Member
Subject:   Is there a race war brewing?
Date:   12/4/2014 8:55:19 AM

Good post.  Your last sentence is the pull quote.

"Until the black community as a whole demands something different none of this will change."

Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   Is there a race war brewing?
Date:   12/4/2014 10:05:58 AM

To me,  the biggest fear today is the likes of obama, JJ, Stupid Al, and Louis Farrakhan will keep stirring the black pot till it becomes ripe for ISIS or some other group organizes blacks into terrorists.  I saw recently that about 30% of black men were either in prison, had been in prison or trouble with the law.  The top breeding ground for islamist extremism in the US is the prison system so all we have to do is wait and it will happen.  Ghetto blacks have little to live for today except procreation, gang wars, drugs, and the monthly EBT card, so suicide bombers is just a short step away. 

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   Is there a race war brewing?
Date:   12/4/2014 4:42:49 PM

I have noticed a change in the attitude of some black people since Ferguson.  They seem angry at white people. 

But I don't think a race war is coming and while I agree that Obama should not have commented on certain situations involving racial allegations, I don't think his being President has anything to do with it.  We're becoming an increasingly violent society and the violence just begets more violence.  There are certain people, most notably, AL Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Benjanim Crump who are happy to try to keep the black community riled up - but it is not to get justice, it is for personal gain. 

Name:   lucky67 - Email Member
Subject:   Is there a race war brewing?
Date:   12/4/2014 4:45:09 PM

Obama probably welcomes the controversy//protests; why you ask ?? Simple--it takes focus off VA issues, IRS, Bengazi, ISIS--need I go on ??

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Is there a race war brewing?
Date:   12/4/2014 5:53:01 PM

What bugs me is he could isolate the race baiters but he doesn't help the situation and between what he and Holder say it actually makes things worse.  He has an obligation to lead and not divide us into racial classes and foment more anger and violence.  Once again, like everything else he is leading from behind at best, if not intentionally making things worse.

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   Is there a race war brewing?
Date:   12/5/2014 12:19:14 PM

You and I are in agreement about comments by him and Holder.  I can only guess that they think they are obligated to say something because they are black - but the bottom line to me is to let the communities deal with these issues.  Everything they say makes the situation worse, including when Holder says that they launching a federal investigation to see if civil rights have been violated, knowing full well that this has nothing to do with violating anyone's civil rights.  Any giving any credence to Sharpton, Jackson and Crump is just plain stupid.

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