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Name:   lucky67 - Email Member
Subject:   Dreamers
Date:   9/7/2017 8:55:05 PM

my limited knowledge on this subject leads me to ask : 

so Obammie bypassed Congress to grant amnesty to 800,000 + children brought here by their illegal parents ? Right ? Wrong ?

was there any requirement these dreamers apply & become citizens ? 

How many have ??


Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Dreamers
Date:   9/8/2017 8:16:19 AM

Question I would answered -

We hear that it is wrong and should basically be considered child abuse to send a child to a country where they know nothing of daily life, do not speak the language, thrust into a culture not their own and have little to no family and friends.


Was it not cruel and abusive by those same definitions to bring the children to the USA to start with?  So the parents broke the law to come here and were cruel to their children in the process, but apparently it is a ?worse? evil to send them home.


Name:   Surfaceunits - Email Member
Subject:   Dreamers
Date:   9/8/2017 12:03:07 PM

The bureacrats and politicians who created the situation should be the first lined up when the guillotine makes its return to north america

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   Dreamers
Date:   9/8/2017 1:35:12 PM

LOL, I love the term "Dreamer" - it sound so poetic and American - "american dream, dreamers?"  it just is another code word for illigal immigrant.  I don't buy into this "foreign culture", because most of them were raised (in the U.S) in immigrant communities where they have full exposure to Mexican culture.  Just because you are not phyically in Mexico, doesn't mean you don't know the culture, I'll bet 99.9% of them speak fluent Mexican Spainish.  The girls still have that ritual when they are 14.  What it means is that they are comfortable here, and do not want to return to Mexico. 

I really don't understand why everyone wants to make special exception for Mexicans.  How is this fair to other immigrants who had to get her by other means, because they didn't have the luxury of just being able to step across the  border.  I'm really over these bleeding heart liberals and their desire to create special programs and exceptions for every group.  If we give on the Mexicans, then they'll want special treatment for Chinese students, and wandering Muslims.  I'm not a racist or a "white supremist", but I am an American in favor of following our own laws. 

DACA was just another stupid idea from Obama, Clinton and Kelly. 

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Dreamers
Date:   9/9/2017 12:11:42 AM

Some more for Hound to send home...

About 900 undocumented immigrants known as "DREAMers" are currently serving in the United States military, the Pentagon says.

The DACA enlistees are part of a Pentagon pilot project called Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest. The program waives certain citizenship requirements for green card holders, refugees and DACA recipients with skills that the military considers essential to the national interest.

The group includes doctors, nurses, and service members with proficiency in a language considered to be of strategic importance. Spanish is not one of those languages, but Arabic, Russian, Chinese and Korean are. 

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   Dreamers
Date:   9/9/2017 1:04:56 AM

You headed up I-75 to get away from Irma yet?

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   Dreamers
Date:   9/9/2017 2:09:29 PM

You see, I simply don't care.  If their families found a way to circumvent immigations laws and bring them here, they are still illegal immigrants.  They may have skills, but if they aren't there, the skills will be taken up by other legal residents.  The military is not exempt from stupid programs - at one time, before you could hire someone, you had to justify it in writing why you didn't hire a minority or a woman.  The military is not expempt from ridiculous political antics - like transgenders in the military.  Politicians failed to realize that they they may be politically sensitive, but in the end, actually cause a bigger problem for the group.  When you work in Washington, you become very isolated and insulated from reality - so when you are sitting in at a desk in Washington, you don't see a problem with transgenders in the military (in an office setting), but you are not thinking of how it will be at a military outpost.  (that is why few generals supported the intial move to allow them)

I think this was likely an Obama initiative - he always liked to find a way to apologize for all our national "inadequacies" as liberals perceive them.

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   HEY HODJA
Date:   9/9/2017 4:39:36 PM (updated 9/9/2017 4:41:43 PM)

Thanks for asking...........We had vacation scheduled for late August and we are in New England. Did your daughter in law's parents head up to Atlanta on 75????

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   [Message deleted by author]
Date:   9/9/2017 4:40:08 PM (updated 9/9/2017 4:42:32 PM)

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Date:   9/9/2017 4:57:02 PM

My daughter in law's parents live in Montgomery.  Why would they be on 75?

Name:   Surfaceunits - Email Member
Subject:   Dreamers
Date:   9/9/2017 8:58:08 PM

shows how degraded the government has become with Obola in office

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