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Name:   Mack - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/21/2011 8:05:27 PM

Turned out great, right? The DOW crashed 245 points with confidence.
Lord, help us. Because we are completely incapable of helping ourselves. We prove it over and over again.
Is there not enough sanity or unencumbered power in D.C. to reverse the spiral:
1. Spend more than you make
2. Raise taxes to pay for the excess
3. Raise another generation of Americans addicted to the Federal feeding trough
4. Balance the checkbook before the next election??

What is it going to take?

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/21/2011 9:06:51 PM

I'm convinced that we can't help ourselves. We've become too polarized. Our country is in serious trouble, and everyone sees it. We don't have to worry about nuclear war or terrorists taking down our government. We'll do it ourselves. I'll bet if the Super Committee members were told that they would lose their seats immediately if they failed in their task, we would have seen some compromises and solutions.

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/21/2011 9:20:45 PM

When I saw that sniveling creep Kerry was on the committee I knew they were in trouble.

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/21/2011 10:28:34 PM

Some very interesting comments that are on the money. Too bad he is not running for President.


Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/21/2011 11:15:03 PM

Interesting comments, especially with regard to needing leadership from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  I have my thoughts about why he doesn't get more involved and just sends it to the Congress to do all the dirty work - but liberals would not agree with my reasoning.  I think he doesn't want to do anything that would damage his image, and to roll up his sleeves and do the dirty work - if he is capable - would bring him down off his ivory tower.

I am also curious whether the Republicans really did offer several hundred billion in revenue increases.  If they did and the Dems refused it, I wonder if the Dems would rather NOT solve the problem until after the next elections, and somehow want to try to blame it all on the Repubs.

In any case, Bloomberg is rightfully angry.  I'm not so sure he ISN'T running for President as an independent, but just hasn't announced.

Serious question would you solve the problem?

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/22/2011 12:21:31 AM

I agree with Bloomberg. It will require a combination of cuts and revenue. He is on point that it will require that we all share...not just the wealthy. It cannot be just cuts if we are serious.  However, you and the right are adamant that we need to reduce taxes. How we can get out of this fiscal mess without  additional revenue is beyond me. Tie this to reducing tax rates for Corporations that transfer money from foreign countries and hire employees. However, with Norquist going after any GOP who supports increased revenue through taxes, my suggestion is DOA.  Now, does this ATFQ?????????????

Name:   buzzbuster - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/22/2011 12:21:49 AM

 Why would he try to do something when he can just blame congress for not doing his job.

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/22/2011 7:49:39 AM

Its a start.  I haven't been one of the ones pushing lower taxes, although I do believe that our problem has been uncontrolled increases in spending.  The ony real inflation in our country has been Government spending.

I can see that increasing revenues could help get us out of this mess, and might agree - but only if it were it to be accompanied by REAL decreases in spending and only if it is shared sacrifice.  I do not believe that taxing only the rich is the answer. For one thing, people live longer these days and increases in the age of eligibility for Social Security and Medicare could help a lot.  I am walking proof that such an increase should be put in effect - I am eligible but don't need SS to survive, and have health insurance through my company.

So who the he!! is Norquist and what makes this person such a threat to Republicans who might agree to increased revenue?

And you seem to delight in talking about your entitlements (which I am sure at the Ivory soap level is tongue in cheek) - but in so doing you point out the egregious excesses in entitlements.

Have to cut this short...have a doctor's appointment that will be paid for through a combination of my health insurance and my own personal funds.  No Government dollars involved.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/22/2011 12:18:18 PM

GF, the GOP members of the super committee proposed $250B in new revenue.......can you tell me factually whether the Dems on the committee have formally proposed anything?!?!?  I have yet to see it if it has happened.  I think the fact of the matter is that Dems have decided it is politically advantageous to have the committee fail and I think the GOP members agree, which is why they proposed something anethama to them, revenue increases to an already over bloated federal government.

Whether the blame gets there or not, the failure is Oblamer's and the Dems on the committee.......  I agree with Newt in the one debate when he said the whole idea of this committee was stupid and an abrogation of leadership.  The GOP has proposed and passed budgets in the House several times.  Harry Reid will not let them get to a vote on the Senate floor, the government media aids and abets them by not pressuring the leadership in the Senate or the WH and nothing gets done.  Them are the facts and I defy you to refute them.....

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Super-Committee on the Deficit Problem??
Date:   11/22/2011 1:40:04 PM

George Norquist is the defacto leader of the Republican party. Without his endorsement it is tough for any republican to win a primary. That is why they will never support a tax increase combined with a tough lid on spending. We will remain in limbo for a long time.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   It's Grover Norquist
Date:   11/25/2011 8:06:29 AM

And you have it all wrong.  He simply represents the views of fiscal conservatives that we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.  We can solve all the deficit problems with two actions.  Meaningful reform of entitlement programs and a simplified tax code that spurs economic activity and encourages the productive to grow their businesses.  Works every time its been tried......

Name:   water_watcher - Email Member
Subject:   How about
Date:   11/27/2011 4:50:40 PM

starting to make the greedy and selfish 51% that pay no federal taxes start to pay their fair share ... since they want the existing and more entitlements ... how about they pay a portion of them ... then after that is in place with some cuts, we can start to have the conversation if their need to be more revisions to the tax system for those that already pay 80% of the taxes.

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