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Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Now Oblamer goes for pop the cherry vote
Date:   10/26/2012 9:36:14 AM

I swear you could not make this up. Latest ad from TOTUS likens a young woman's first time vote for the Messiah to losing her virginity. I know a lot of people will be sickened by this ad, and rightly so, but I view it as pathetically desperate. And the think the last words of the ad are "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this ad". Yet another in an ever growing and already monumentally long list of reasons why this guy needs to be defeated in two weeks. And to think I could not imagine anyone degrading the Presidency more than Slick Willie......

Name:   roswellric - Email Member
Subject:   Now Oblamer goes for pop the cherry vote
Date:   10/26/2012 9:50:30 AM

That's sick.

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   Now Oblamer goes for pop the cherry vote
Date:   10/26/2012 9:53:07 AM

His current campaign style is something you might expect to see in a City Council race in Podunk Village.  Certainly devoid of content, mean-spirited, and demeaning to the office of the POTUS.  They must think things are worse than the published poll results portray.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Look at the campaigns
Date:   10/26/2012 11:19:37 AM

and how they are behaving to give you a much better idea of who is ahead. Without a doubt Obama is on the ropes and knows it. How else do you explain his behavior in the last debate, the pathetic attempt to gin up a scandal with Gloria Alldread, the fact that they have abandoned a number of former swing states and are now actually campaigning in states like Illinois, etc. As fro Romney, they are actually entering states they were previously told to forget and he is acting very presidential, confident and assured. No doubt it is still very close and something could happen in the last two weeks to change the dynamic but all the signs point to momentum toward Romney which will only heighten the last minute rush of undecided voters away from TOTUS.

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   Look at the campaigns
Date:   10/26/2012 11:48:43 AM

And the Benghazi debacle gets messier and messier all the time. A CIA operative manning a machine gun had a laser pointed right at the attackers, but THREE separate requests to help and for help were met with "stand down". Everyone lauds Panetta as a good guy, but me thinks there were options they could have implemented that would have helped (for instance, a gunship to take out the target that the CIA machine-gunner was already painting with the laser.)

URL: Benghazi Help Denials

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Look at the campaigns
Date:   10/26/2012 12:02:38 PM

What could be a more telling example of the disastrous foreign policy failure that Obama has been than videos of gun battles with al Queda affiliates in a planned attack on the U.S. mission. God help anyone that made a political calculation that resulted in the deaths of those four men. But everything that happened afterward to hide the truth from the American people belies either scandalous corruption or equally scandalous incompetence. Thank goodness someone released those emails. Thats what you get when you throw an entire agency under the bus to save your political skin like TOTUS and Billary have done. The truth will always come out and the cover up is always worse than the actual event. Of course none of this will really be covered until after November 6th. Such is the sorry state of the government media. What they don't understand and cannot accept is the alternate media, talk radio, etc. will get the info out and the mainstream version of the media will continue its slide into oblivion.

Name:   bushhog - Email Member
Subject:   Look at the campaigns
Date:   10/26/2012 4:50:24 PM

We can all talk about the state of affairs this nation is,but the fact that some of  us will not say is that the young people and old people who support this president do not care about any place but there own back yard.  As long as these dead beats sit on their butts  and get their checks every month they will casts their vote...illegal or legal...2 or 3 times...for the man who sends the checks.  The illegals in this country will be a great influence on the vote count in many western states where their labor is used.  If the normal working American doesn't get out and vote...we will be in this crapper four more years.  I've already voted !!!  Hope it counts ........Read between the lines........nuff said.VOTE

Name:   LoveCamping - Email Member
Subject:   Here is the link to the sicko's campaign ad
Date:   10/26/2012 5:05:37 PM (updated 10/26/2012 5:07:53 PM)

He has given up on Catholics, fathers of girls, most women and anyone who has any morals.  He has changed his focus to gays, minorities and the 18-22 year olds.  This ad really shows his desperation and loss of ground.  Thanks for the heads up MM.

Imagine him unleashed as president for 4 more years.  If this doesn't scare your pants off nothing will.


Name:   buzzbuster - Email Member
Subject:   Look at the campaigns
Date:   10/26/2012 10:53:29 PM

 There was a Drone over the area and was never used for any help to save the four Americans that saved as many people as they could with the limited amount of resources that were available to them. The Drone was replaced with another when needed and yet still no help was given after several request for help. Why would there not be given at the very least some support to keep from losing anyone much less the four that were lost due to impotence of this administration? Sad for the country and many Questions still not answered (cover-up) until after the election.

Name:   water_watcher - Email Member
Subject:   The ad was right !!!
Date:   10/27/2012 3:10:12 PM (updated 10/27/2012 3:12:43 PM)

That ad is something you would see from a person running for class president ... not president of the US.

But the ad is right ... you got screwed the first time if you voted for him and if you vote for Obama again the whole country is screwed.  

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