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Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Poll Results Even The RIGHT Can Accept
Date:   11/30/2012 3:12:17 PM

Internal polling reveals why Romney believed he would win By Rachel Rose Hartman, Yahoo! News Internal polling showing leads over Barack Obama in New Hampshire and Colorado helped instill confidence in the Mitt Romney campaign on Election Day, according to final polling data revealed byNoam Scheiber of the New Republic. It had previously been revealed that the campaign believed its candidate would carry North Carolina, Florida and Virginia. But data from polling conducted the weekend before Election Day reveals that the campaign also expected clear wins in New Hampshire and Colorado, both of which Romney lost. Polling for Iowa showed a tied race, but Romney lost by nearly 6 percentage points. The campaign has stated it misjudged turnout and its demographic makeup, which the campaign's chief pollster Neil Newhouse suggested was responsible for these flawed poll results. "The Colorado Latino vote was extraordinarily challenging," Newhouse told Scheiber. "As it was in Florida." But Scheiber notes New Hampshire and Iowa "are both predominantly white states, and Obama won both whites and older voters in each of them." Also, Latinos were only 14 percent of the electorate in Colorado. Scheiber also reports that the campaign may have incorrectly judged momentum for Romney.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Like predicting the attack on Pearl Harbor
Date:   11/30/2012 4:17:55 PM

on December 8. I think its patently obvious what happened and why some polls were right and others missed the mark. The turnout models for those that were right were closer to what happened and vice versa. And frankly had conservatives turned out for Romney and had the youth vote, blacks and latinos not turned out like they did for Santa Claus the discussion would be exactly the opposite with Obama being shocked he lost and the left lamenting their lack of ground game and blah, blah, blah. Hindsight is 20/10 and always has been. But we are where we are and as expected TOTUS plans to continue to ruin the economic health of the country. I only hope and pray the GOP does not aid and abet him in his failed administration......assuming of course his goal isn't actually to destroy the country in which case I suppose you can say that it is not a failure for them....just for the rest of us.

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   I Am Certain
Date:   12/1/2012 12:01:31 AM

By your own admission, you are doing quite well and continue to be a 1%er. However, from your own posts you leave the impression that all is doom and gloom. I doubt you lack anything that you want so enjoy life and quit complaining 24/7.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   That's the difference between you and I
Date:   12/2/2012 8:17:13 AM

GF, your post is exactly what I would expect from a leftist. "Hey, I'm doing OK so screw the rest of the world". Yes, I am doing OK thank you very much. But unlike the faux compassion of liberals I actually care about all Americans, especially those that are struggling because they can't find a job. I actually care and I feel terrible when I have to lay someone off because our business is struggling because of the feckless policies of your beloved Messiah. I actually believe in economic policies because they work for everyone that wants to work, not because of how they make me feel about myself or out of greed or envy. So GF, if I decide to complain about Obama being a miserable failure of a President while I am personally doing well maybe you ought to wonder why instead of giving me the self centered left wing nut advice above.

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Date:   12/3/2012 12:21:02 AM

" That's the difference between you and I" Between is a preposition, and in English, a preposition must be followed by an indirect object pronoun. Me is an indirect object pronoun, and I is a subject pronoun. Therefore, between has to be followed by me, not I. That's the difference between you and ME.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Date:   12/3/2012 8:35:22 AM

On the main point but if you want to correct my grammar and ignore the truth have at it. You see GF, thats the difference between you and me. I am more concerned with the truth of someone's statements or beliefs than I am on commenting on their grammar or spelling or sentence structure, none of which really matter. To me, its all about communication and that entails the successful transmission of a thought or idea and the successful recognition of that thought or idea on the recipient of whatever form that communication takes. There really can be no communication with a liberal because they are invincibly ignorant.

Name:   h_hob - Email Member
Date:   12/3/2012 1:01:02 PM

I give your last sentence a huge, "AMEN!"

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   It really is disturbing
Date:   12/3/2012 3:06:57 PM

how someone can simply ignore facts and the logical outcome of those facts and continue to live their lives set apart from reality. I guess in a way I envy them that they can do that but if everyone did imagine the mess we would have in this country. Having said that, judging from the outcome of the last election maybe we are already there with a majority of voting Americans and those of us that do understand the truth are simply outnumbered.

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