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Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   compare and contrast the media coverage
Date:   11/12/2015 11:43:51 PM (updated 11/12/2015 11:45:15 PM)

8 years ago it was revealed that the pastor of a church which a Democratic candidate for president was a member had said terrible things about America, racism in America and American militarism.  It was headlines nationwide for weeks.

A few weeks ago three Republican candidates for president spoke at a conference organized by a preacher that has openly advocated the execution of gays and did so again at the conference yet and barely a peep from the "liberal" media.



Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Answer
Date:   11/13/2015 8:14:48 AM (updated 11/13/2015 8:17:56 AM)

Because there is NO ''liberal'' media.  The idea of the ''liberal'' media is a creation of the extreme right.  Most media outlets today are so kow-towed by the rightwing's ranting and whining about the "lame stream media's'' liberal bias that they bend over backward not to offend any faction unless absolutely necessary even when it means not covering something that should be covered.  If truthful coverage of an event might cause discomfort to the the far right it probably will be ignored.

There are exceptions of course...Fox's huge microphone shouting lies for the right and MSNBC mouse sized microphone ranting lies for the left. 

Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   Archidiot
Date:   11/13/2015 9:05:37 AM

What's wrong baby boy, can't get anyone to come out and play your stupid, silly games??  I'm gone....

Name:   Shortbus - Email Member
Subject:   Archidiot N Fishy
Date:   11/13/2015 9:34:55 AM

Do you guys live in 36853?

Do you guys live on the water?

Are you guys paid to blather on this forum?


Just an inquiring mind.    My answers are Y Y N


MSNBC has a small audience because many people do not want to take the time to listen to communist propaganda.


Name:   redbud - Email Member
Subject:   Archidiot N Fishy
Date:   11/13/2015 10:14:16 AM (updated 11/13/2015 10:17:33 AM)

Fox news has a large audience because a lot of people are conditioned to like the fascist propaganda . The fascist view ie that anybody that does not repeat their agenda is to be censored ,  ostracized and eventually eliminated . An objective reporting of events and facts is not allowed by the fascists . Only their version that promotes their agenda is allowed . They are intolerant of any other view point . The reason they fear objectivity and want to shut it out is because  they know that their agenda is based on lies . But their egoes' blot that out with denial . Why else would they  so viciously attack opposing view points . Reason and logic shines through bigotry without anger . The bigots knash their teeth and attack .

Name:   Shortbus - Email Member
Subject:   Money for progress instead of progressives
Date:   11/13/2015 10:54:13 AM (updated 11/13/2015 11:01:19 AM)


Do you approve or identify with any part of this?



Big government/business  =  fascism          libertarians say defund big government/lobbyists  and the fascism disappears..................


I say pay congressmen $3 million a year.............take a dime and 20 years in the can


They will work for who pays them.


Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Wiximbecile is gone
Date:   11/13/2015 11:00:11 AM

Best news l've had in weeks!!

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Archidiot N Fishy
Date:   11/13/2015 11:01:19 AM

No, no, no....why?

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Archidiot N Fishy
Date:   11/13/2015 11:03:28 AM

Hey, you really shouldn't talk that way about most of this forum...especially Wixieland.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Now, anybody going to answer the question?
Date:   11/13/2015 11:12:21 AM

I have to assume none of you think there is a problem for Cruz, Jindal, and Huck appearing on stage with and taking questions from a man who has publicly advocated executing all the gays including in a rant* immediately before this GOP triumvirate was introduced.  

*He greatly moderated his views at this conference by advocating the executions should only occur after a period of time when the gays would be given the chance to repent.

I'm not making this stuff up folks.

What is the matter with you people? 


Name:   Shortbus - Email Member
Subject:   Now, anybody going to answer the question?
Date:   11/13/2015 11:27:35 AM

Agreeing with God means disagreeing with some folks.  Sorry.  So slug the preacher.  Soros money at work.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   QWhat would God do?
Date:   11/13/2015 2:36:13 PM (updated 11/13/2015 2:38:47 PM)

So, are you saying that you agree with Rev Swanson that God iactually advocates that homosexuals be killed? Really?  Then you must also believe God indorses slavery, stoning adulterous women, severely beating unruly children and not eating dead pig...hope you aren't planning to throw a mess of country ribs on the grill this weekend like I am.

Name:   Lighthouse - Email Member
Subject:   compare and contrast the media coverage
Date:   11/13/2015 3:24:04 PM

And so, why must you repeat youself?  Nothing new I guess.

Name:   lucky67 - Email Member
Subject:   compare and contrast the media coverage
Date:   11/13/2015 4:05:49 PM

hard to believe we have another YEAR of rants like this

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Hey Arch
Date:   11/13/2015 5:36:41 PM

 Archie, you've upset the Right and they are becoming unglued. You need to adopt a more gentler and kinder approach. The truth really gets to them which is unfortunate. You are acting like Trump with your on target rants. It has become so bad even Wixxie Poo is going underground. Fly fisher is so upset he will be unable to tie a fly. Shortbus has become a basket case and MM won't read your posts. Ease up and give them a breather.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Hey Arch
Date:   11/13/2015 6:03:51 PM

Yeah.  The truth hurts, especially when one who has spent years denying it finally realizes it is the truth and it is making them look like even bigger fools.

Give them a break...hell no!  People who, at best, refuse to call out the haters and, at worst, lay down in the sewer with them do not deserve any consideration!  It is unbelievable that not a single one of the rightwingers on this site is willing to criticize these three people who think they should be president of the United States.  Wonder what they would say if Hillary appeared before a conference of the most moderate pro-American Muslims or a group advocating citizenship for illegals?

Name:   Lifer - Email Member
Subject:   Hey Arch
Date:   11/13/2015 8:18:20 PM

She does every day. The group is called democrats and more and more these days,  professional republican politicians.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   OK lifer
Date:   11/14/2015 8:08:45 AM (updated 11/14/2015 8:14:49 AM)

You have made a statement with which I agree.  Now, tell us who you consider to be the bigger sinner?

The candidate who, you point out, appears before supporters of citizenship for illegals or the candidate, who l point out, appears before a group whose leader advocates death to homosexuals?...I won't hold my breath waiting for an answer even though I pray the answer is obvious...even to this bunch. 

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