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Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Now we understand why leftists are so ignorant
Date:   12/12/2019 8:46:33 AM

Apparently both cnnBS and pmsnBS cut away from the Republicans opening statements and questioning but somehow managed to cover the Democrats.  So now we know why left ing nuts are so ignorant of basic facts.  They are fed Democrat propaganda with no alternate viewpoints so they can come to their own conclusion.  Thanks God for the alternate media as the polls are showing across the board reduction of support for impeachment and improvement in Trump approval ratings.  Speaking of the latter, his average approval is 45% and Obama at the same time in his first term was at 43.5% despite fawning press coverage.  Imagine where Trump would be if he even got reasonably fair coverage.  Surely well over 50%.

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   Now we understand why leftists are so ignorant
Date:   12/12/2019 12:20:43 PM

I have to say, throughout the impeachment process, I have not yet heard one Democrat speak intelligently about the matter.  Their minds were made up and they weren't open to anyone changing them.  

Name:   Rich - Email Member
Subject:   Dems gift to the country
Date:   12/12/2019 1:21:13 PM

Surprising that they don't see what they're doing. The only way they have been able to win elections is by hiding their true nature. What we have in office today are the leftist of 30years ago that have been moving the "Overton window" slowly left but now think they are main stream. They have given rise to the socialist in the Dem party having power within that can't ne supported in a national election. The lame stream media has them convinced they are the majority in America and TDS is causing them to no longer disguise their true views of the country. This debacle has shown the Independents that there are no more centrist Democrat Party and I beleive 2020 will prove it.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/12/2019 2:01:02 PM

Was the Dem congressman in the hearings talking about a group text with his children and how sad they are with Trump as President.  At first I was appalled that he thought the hurt feelings of his whiney, indoctrinated left wing nut children are a reason to undo the votes of 65 million Americans.  But then I thought about the hearings and the articles of impeachment and their hurt feelings are certainly no less compelling....which is to say, a complete joke and not compelling at all.

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/12/2019 2:41:49 PM (updated 12/12/2019 2:43:28 PM)

Biggest tell that this is a disaster is a few people have been really quiet.  Nothing like the Mueller time.  You would think with the constitution under attack they would be more vocal, sad that they root for its destuction, but as we saw with with all the past times they thought they had him - we can now hear the wind blowing softly through their ear holes and the crickets are so loud they drown out the pickups with the loud thumps.

Their lack of gloating is not because of the seriousness of the charges against Trump, being somber or the prayers that Pelosi is sending Trumps way - they know its sham and a barge full of malarkey.

I personally hope the senate takes their time with it and brings the guns to the House of Reps knife fight.


Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/12/2019 6:21:58 PM

They all know it is political theatre organized by Peolosi and Schiff.  I'll bet if you talked to a lot of the on a person-to-person basis, you'd find that they are embarassed and appalled, but they have to stick with the party.


Name:   lucky67 - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/12/2019 10:52:13 PM

I'd love to see figures on how many Americans are actually watching this 24/7 circus on tv

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/13/2019 8:33:26 AM (updated 12/13/2019 8:34:01 AM)

If the CNN ratings are any indication I think that anyone who expected "news" tuned it out quickly - people who wanted some good laughs stayed with all of it.


Sadly like Hound said - the Dems will vote this sham in lockstep, I hope it costs them the house and most of those blue seats that Trump carried.  


I usually do not wish for one party to have the pres/house/senate because gridlock is usually better and gives the government less time to vote on really stupid things that stick it to the taxpayers.  


Looks like Virginia having gone all blue is now having 2nd am. counties poping up like chicken pox - and Coonman is now saying he may have to send the national guard in to take peoples guns since that is soon to be the law and that many local PD's are saying that they will not enforce the law. 

Guess a few states can take a page out of Coonmans book and send them after the illegals hiding in sanctuary cities - but I am gonna guess that one will be met with outrage, while the media and liberals are currently playing cheerleaders for Coonman against the 2nd.



Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/13/2019 9:14:09 AM

While I think you are giving them way more credit than they deserve I do think Pelosi's political instincts are on the mark when it comes to impeachment, both in terms of the timing (late in the first term) and the rationale.  But she has no option because she knows the base will go ballistic if they don't impeach.  They will primary moderate Dems in districts won by Trump and replace them with socialists that will surely lose in 2020.  She is caught between a rock and a hard place and it is of her own making.  She let socialists like the four horsewomen of the apocolypse gain national prominence and never realized what that would mean for the Democrat party.

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/13/2019 9:55:08 AM

I have a feeling that probably less than 1% are glued to these hearings.  I think most people regard it as business as usual for Washington.  

One thing you have to give the bureaucracy - government business goes on, even while the Congress is ripping each other to shreds.  Troops are still getting food and supplies, checks are still going out, taxes being collected.  

BTW, did you guys hear that Trump is quietly changing SSDI and SSI?  

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/13/2019 9:56:40 AM

Meanwhile, I read that Bernie is moving up in the polls.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/13/2019 10:21:31 AM

Seems like many of those losing interest in Warren are gravitating to Bernie.  Meanwhile Biden continues his gaffe-fest, the latest being the trial balloon of only serving one term.  What an unforced error.  So people are beginning to wonder about his mental acuity and are starting to fear the Burisma thing.  Whoever runs against Trump will want to be able to use the phony impeachment against him.....Biden for obvious reasons will be the least effective. And after seeing him calling an Iowa voter a damn liar and fat for having the temerity to ask about his son and Burisma they have plenty of reason to worry.  Just wait until he is the subject of Trump questions and accusations.  He will come completely unglued.....if he can remember what state he's in anyway.

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   My favorite
Date:   12/13/2019 5:37:08 PM

Seriously, Biden hasn't ever seemed too smart to me, and I really think he is suffering the effects of aging.  It hits everyone differently and I really think in his case that there should be second thoughts about his mental abilty to run the country.  But you know he will to some quack who will release a medical report that says he is fit.  If these candidates get any older, they need to be subject to geriatric and cognitve testing.  


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