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Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   2 Mask OAR Unmask That Is The ?
Date:   7/30/2020 12:23:34 PM

Here is the evidence.....


Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Goofy gets fooled again
Date:   7/30/2020 12:38:05 PM

Question for you....but I already know the answer.  Did you actually look at these studies?  I looked at the first two just for grins.  Here are some relevant quotes from the abstracts.

We use qualitative visualizations of emulated coughs and sneezes to examine how material- and design-choices impact the extent to which droplet-laden respiratory jets are blocked. Loosely folded face masks and bandana-style coverings provide minimal stopping-capability for the smallest aerosolized respiratory droplets. Well-fitted homemade masks with multiple layers of quilting fabric, and off-the-shelf cone style masks, proved to be the most effective in reducing droplet dispersal. These masks were able to curtail the speed and range of the respiratory jets significantly, albeit with some leakage through the mask material and from small gaps along the edges.

So this was a theoretical study that confirms what I have been saying...masks do not stop the aerosols, especially the worthless cloth masks.

The estimates from the meta-analyses based on the randomized controlled trials suggest declines in transmission risk of influenza or influenza-like illnesses to mask wearers, although estimates are mostly statistically insignificant possibly due to small sample sizes or design limitations especially related to assessing compliance.79 There is also a relationship between increased adherence to mask use specifically and effectiveness of reducing transmission to mask wearers; in one randomized study of influenza transmission in infected households in Australia, transmission risk for mask wearers was lower with greater adherence.10 Further, the evidence is mixed from randomized studies on types of masks and risk of influenza-like illnesses transmission to mask wearers; for example, a recent systematic review and meta-analysis comparing N95 respirators versus surgical masks found a statistically insignificant decline in influenza risk with the N95-respirators.

Estimates of declines in infections by mask wearers are "statistically insignificant" and a recent meta-analysis found statistically insignficant decline in influenza risks.  

That's just the first two.  Goofy, only you could fall for a stupid list of studies that the headline states one thing while the actual studies say something else.  They are counting on sheeple like you to fall for it Goofy....and you did, hook line and sinker.  Interesting that the second paper refers to one of the more significant studies that I read about how N95 masks don't help.

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Goofy gets fooled again
Date:   7/30/2020 1:33:51 PM

All I did was post so those interested could read. You are bored and just sit there and post Goofy this and Goofy that. Goofy is great and just gave you something to  bitch about. Just read and enjoy it. By the way, you look cute in your the ladies like it.

Name:   Lifer - Email Member
Subject:   2 Mask OAR Unmask That Is The ?
Date:   7/30/2020 1:52:10 PM

Hey GFY, OAR's are for rowboats, or's are for sentences.  

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Goofy gets fooled again
Date:   7/30/2020 5:23:43 PM

You linked to an article that claimed to have 71 papers that supported the efficacy of masks.  It was not an article about the merits of each side of the debate, it staked out a totally phony position.  It used the logical fallacy of appeal to experts with a false and misleading title that wasn't supported by at least the first two papers and probably the next 69.  No one denies masks can help with droplets.  So can covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze.  They do little to nothing to prevent the aerosols where most people are getting least that's what papers one and two acknowledge.  

But they know 99.9% of people will never actually look beyond the headline.  Welcome to the 99.9% Goofy.......and then the sheeple will just put on a mask.

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   MM>>>help the foolish one.
Date:   7/30/2020 6:44:21 PM

Assume there are two people with one positive . Do you honestly believe that  there no difference in protection if the 2 people are each wearing a mask compared to the same two with neither wearing  a mask?

Why do you wear a mask?

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   LIFER....Think My Spelling Sucks????
Date:   7/30/2020 7:27:55 PM (updated 7/30/2020 7:34:05 PM)

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Glad to help here with a little science lesson
Date:   7/31/2020 9:05:09 AM

The answer is that it depends.  If the infected one is sneezing or coughing and standing right next me for an extended period of time then the mask will reduce droplets.  But so would covering their mouth when they sneeze or cough.  If I am standing next to them and they are just breathing normally then the only issue is with aerosols which the mask is not effective in reducing either going out or breathing in.

If I am maintaining social distancing, washing my hands frequently, avoiding touching my face unless I have washed my hands or used sanitizer then all will be well.  As for why I wear a mask, I only do so when there is a place I want to go and they require it.  Otherwise I never wear one because I know they do not work and they give people a false sense of security and they don't social distance.  I see it all the time.  They have been fooled and that is why mask usage is higher than ever and yet the virus continues to spread.

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