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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
Name: |
Subject: |
Campsites/Campground Property
6/23/2008 2:34:28 AM
Anyone know of any land on the water for sale would that make a camp ground/RV park? No luck trying to rent a house for the 4th so I took our bus to park at Wind Creek. It is packed and the staff there are rude. Enough land to built bath houses and pull thurs for bigger RV's and I think it would go.
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Subject: |
Campsites/Campground Property
6/23/2008 6:34:03 AM
Septics are a big issue as we found out the hard way. I wouldn't buy any land/lot without first getting septic approval. We might have a 3/2 available but won't know until the last minute (probably the 29th or 30th)
Name: |
Subject: |
Campsites/Campground Property
6/23/2008 9:16:23 AM
I have to say something here. I have been going to wind creek for 10 years . I know the staff personnaly, they are not rude. It can get very hectic there on holidays, everybody can have a bad day. Are ou are expecting a beutifull campground to be empty for the 4th? Try going on an off weekend and you will have your pick of sites....just my 2 cents
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Hawks Nest
Subject: |
6/23/2008 1:02:01 PM
2 cents gets you nowhere now. You must put in at least 8 cents.
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John C
Subject: |
Campsites/Campground Property
6/23/2008 2:02:41 PM
this is a generalization, but usually land on the water is so expensive it is hard to make the numbers work for an RV park. Plus it is hard to find land on the water that doesn't have a deed or neighborhood restriction against commercial use like an RV park.
That said, there is plenty of land that is close to the lake that you could do it on. Maybe you could have the park, then boaters could go put in at a public ramp.
There are also some parcels here and there that are on or near the water that you might could do homes to rent and also park and RV. Just depends what you want to do. Email me if you would like specifics.
John C
URL: Lake Martin Voice
Name: |
Subject: |
Campsites/Campground Property
6/24/2008 1:04:29 AM
Guess they all had a bad day Sunday. From Barney with a gun that told to park her and do not leave the motorhome to the short and rude women at the counter. Hello .. I am giving you 300 bucks to park and you are rude.
Everyone there works for the state,. My tax money probably goes to there pay.
MY issue, as I told them was I counld not sign uo for a sight with out looking at it. My bus is 40 feet long. They did not care because the enitre process Sunday was a CLUSTER.
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John C
Subject: |
a response to "visitor"
6/26/2008 1:06:05 PM
someone emailed me thru lakes online as an anonymous visitor, and asked the below question, I really don't know how to email them back, so I will answer them here. Their questions:
"So do you have property on the water for sale? Everyone I talk to says sewer is the issue. You can pump sewer up hill to make it work. Thanks. "
Sewer / septic might be the issue in that you might have a hard time getting a system approved, but that is only on a lot by lot basis. It's hard to make a call on the septic because it's only approved by the county when you turn in a plan for that specific lot.
That to me is the lowest of three hurdles for a project like this. the highest would be cost. If you were to buy a lot for $300,000, and it was only an acre, how many RV spots could you fit in there, 7, 8? If you can charge $50 a night, even if you rented it every possible night, would that be enough to float the debt on the $300,000, plus operating costs? Maybe you supplement by other income, I don't know.
Second hurdle is zoning. The lot / land you buy would have to be approved for this use. Not saying it can't happen, but it is a consideration.
Third hurdle is septic. Do you have enough land for a proper area for field lines, based on the amount of waste that will be discharging? Just a matter of math and money.
Again, I am not saying it can't happen. There are a few spots around the lake that maybe, possibly, could work. You don't know until you get into the details.
As to me sending you info on possibilities, please email me from your real account so that I can reply, or just call me.
John C
URL: Lake Martin Voice