Jokes: A pious man goes to heaven.
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Name:   Lifer The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   A pious man goes to heaven.
Date:   1/30/2013 4:26:54 PM

A pious man dies in a tragic accident and finds himself at the Pearly Gates with Saint Peter.  Saint Peter invites him into heaven.  The gentleman realizes he had none of his worldly possessions with him and appealed to Saint Peter to be allowed back on earth for just one earthly treasure that he must have to be happy.  Saint Peter of course told him he would need none of those worldly goods to be happy in Heaven.  After begging, pleading, and trying to bargain he was still not allowed.  He explained he lived a miserly life devoted to church and family and gave graciously of his time and treasure to charity only to be denied this one request.  After much debate Saint Peter confers with Jesus.  The man tells Jesus if he can't have his one treasure he could send him straight to hell because he wouldn't be at peace without it.  Jesus told Saint Peter to make an exception this one time for such a pious man who gave so freely of himself in life.

So it was allowed and quick as a wink the man finds himself back at the Pearly Gates with his treasure held neatly wrapped in a silk clothe.  So naturally Saint Peter is curious and asks the man to show him this great treasure that he would rather burn in Hell if not allowed to have it in Heaven.  So the man removes the silk clothe to reveal a peace of solid gold about the size of a brick.  Saint Peter looks at the man and says rather incredulously "that is what you caused all this ruckus about, PAVEMENT!
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A pious man goes to heaven. - Lifer - 1/30/2013 4:26:54 PM

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